Beer, Chips and Cricket

This is a site about drinking beer, eating chips and thinking cricket. I am not a former player, a television commentaror or a journalist; my qualification to being worthy of hearing is that I drink a lot of beer, eat a lot of chips and think a lot about cricket. The thoughts need not be politically correct and often include colourful language but there will be no deliberate bias towards any player, community or state. I don't care about popular opinion or perceptions and I speak it as I see it.

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Not exactly cricket - cricket broadcasters

This thing between the BCCI and Zee/ESPN-STAR is getting on my nerves. Anyway, this post is not about that. Just reminded me of when SONY MAX started showing cricket for the first time with Ruby Bhatia and then later with the current rage Mandira Bedi .... I had made my observations on both at that time on a discussion board I visit .... just went searching for it and fortunately found it ... adding it to the blog for posterity. Enjoy.

Set Max Killing Cricket

On Mandira Bedi


The Chuckster


  • At Wednesday, September 29, 2004 11:35:00 PM, Blogger Jabberwock said…

    How I empathise with your angst. I do a bit of cricket writing myself and I posted a blog recently on Charu Sharma - who I actually think is worse than Mandira and Ruby because he's supposed to be there as a bona fide cricket expert and STILL doesn't know anything about the game.
    Check this out sometime:

    (P.S. also liked your recent post on Tendulkar on Rediff. Didn't agree with it completely but you made some nice points.)


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